About Us

What is this?

Inside SEL is a blog focused on curating and sharing relevant articles, policy updates, research, and resources from the field of social and emotional learning (SEL).

We hope to act as a megaphone, amplifying the great work already being done by leaders in education across the country while also publishing original content that translates research findings into practical guidance for educators.

By providing a central location for sharing news, research, and insights, we hope that Inside SEL will help to initiate more deeper, meaningful conversations about how to enhance learning for all students.

Our email newsletter (SEL in 5) provides subscribers with the most wisdom per word of any social-emotional learning publication on the web. Every month, the latest issue is sent to our community of 35,000+ subscribers. Each edition includes 3 short thoughts on leading SEL efforts, 2 quotes from researchers or practitioners in the field, and 1 question for you to consider. Sign up for free right now.

Who is this for?

Anyone who is remotely curious about what’s happening in the world of SEL. Our community includes educators, administrators, my mother, researchers, caregivers, and students. We know that “social and emotional learning” is one of the most over-used and buzz-wordy terms in education right now; our goal is to cut through all the noise and focus on bringing you the most relevant content each month.

Why did you decide to start this?

As I prepared to transition out of my former job and enroll in graduate school during the summer of 2018, I started looking for news websites and blogs to follow so that I could learn more about social-emotional learning and get the latest news. I could not find a single outlet that provided curated content across multiple sources that was specifically focused on SEL. I started Inside SEL in August of 2018 to help deepen my knowledge of social-emotional learning and share SEL-related news with a wider audience.

You can read more about the origin story of Inside SEL here.

What types of content will you publish?

We publish interviews with leaders in the field of SEL, analyses of research papers and academic reports, original thought pieces, and a plethora of other types of content (from research guides to a job board).

Join our community.

We hope that you join us and find value in what we create.

Whoever you are: Thanks, as always, for reading.

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